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Sandra Rossini's journey

Sandra Rossini, a PMU artist specializing in hairstroke techniques with a device since 2021. I invented the “9 SOFT TECHNIQUE,” known for creating unique, soft hairstrokes using a 9 magnum soft edge cartridge, ideal for sensitive skin.

Born on October 1, 1991, in Osimo, Italy, I grew up bilingual and graduated in Business Management with a linguistic focus. My PMU journey began in 2016 after experiencing transformative eyebrow work at Elena Copaceanu's E-Concept Academy. This led me to pursue my first PMU course there in 2018, igniting my passion for the field.

Initially trained in both Microblading and device techniques, I shifted exclusively to device methods in 2020. After an intensive online course with Fleekbrow, I continued training with experts like Natalya Yeremenko, Antonia Vasile, and Cornelia Copaceanu.

In 2021, I opened my own studio and continued developing my “9 SOFT TECHNIQUE.” My achievements include being a Hanafy PRO Team Member, winning second place at Wulop Italia 2022 for hairstroke, and speaking at PMU SKILLS 2023, PMU UNIVERSE FESTIVAL 2023 in Vietnam, Wulop Turkey Worldwide 2023, and upcoming events in 2024.

From a small town in Italy to an internationally recognized PMU artist, my journey highlights the power of passion and perseverance.

Sandra Rossini's instagram

If you have any questions for Sandra, contact her here.